Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Genesis

And so begins the first blog I have ever written.  I have started this blog as an outlet for my creative ability to as a writer to flow, as an avenue to express myself peacefully, and as a tool to unlock what is inside my mind.  The things you may expect to read from here on cannot be categorized into a single topic. This blog will contain some facts, some personal stories, possibly a little unwarranted advice here and there, and most importantly, the main ingredient of this blog, the BS that goes through my mind as I conquer the trials and tribulations of day to day life in my shoes.  Don't let any of what I say offend you in any way, as no matter what you may read, or how it may seem, I truly mean no harm at all.  A lot of what you read will be funny, and at times it may be a little sad. Sometimes I'm serious, but most often I'm not. If one thing is for sure about what you will read, here, in MY world, in my blog, it is this:  what you read is honest, it is heartfelt, and it is real.  It is written by yours truly, sometimes in a moments notice, from the top of my artistic, fantastic, beautifully amazing, mind.  I hope you enjoy my flow!  So here it goes.......

For those of you who do not know me personally, I will begin with a little about me.

The Basics
Age:  28
Sex:  Female
Orientation:  Straight
Marital Status:  Engaged
Kids:  Proud Mommy of a 15 month old
Race:  Caucasian
Ethnicity:  Swedish
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:  Blond
Height:  5'5"
Weight:  Killer Curves (lol!)
Shoe Size:  6.5
Hometown: Estherville, Iowa
Current town:  San Francisco, California
Pets: 1 dog, Rat Terrier, Spike
Employment:  Happy Homemaker and Mommy
Education:  General Studies,  Iowa Lakes Community College  '01
                  Business Management,  North Iowa Area Community College  '03
                  Radiographic Physics,  Argosy University  '07                
Religion:  Christian
Political Views: I vote for the one who wants to screw me the least

I have been known be to be quite opinionated, often amusing, and maybe a little over animated at times, and I'm sure you will be able to pick up on that as you read on.  I tend not to sugar coat things a whole lot, and to some people I come off a little rude (or as a nice person would say, "blunt") but I'm ME. I am the only me! I am proud to be me! I'm not afraid to say how I feel or what I'm thinking in any circumstance.  I do admit however, my big fat opinion and her trusty side kick, my mouth, have gotten my butt in plenty of jams in the past.  LOL!  If you ask the people who know and love me, I a pretty cool, artistically talented, quite entertaining chick.  So sit back, grab a cup of Joe (or whatever your into drinking) and enjoy yourself, as you walk in my shoes, and look through my eyes, as a small town girl living in a downtown world.........

 p.s. --except for my spelling and punctuation of course---How's that for an opener Mr. Weisman? (my high school journalism teacher & inspiration to express myself through writing...thank you SO much!)